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  • Rusty Wallace Kia South

Drive Belt Replacement Service Savings Near Knoxvi

Any kind of car trouble is distressing. However, it can be more frustrating when it involves your vehicle's drive belt. This is because the drive belt is responsible for the smooth running of your car and its components, such as the alternator, power steering, and air conditioning. So, check out the automotive service center at Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa if you need drive belt replacement service near Knoxville, TN.

At Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa, you get experienced and certified technicians trained to handle all drive belt replacement and drive belt maintenance. The team is equipped with the latest tools and well-versed with updated information for replacing your car's existing drive belt to ensure your car runs as smoothly as possible. They are committed to providing quality service at an affordable price so you can enjoy your car without worrying about costly repairs.

Moreover, Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa offers a variety of auto service coupons and discounts to help you save more on the drive belt replacement service. So, if you need drive belt repair or maintenance near Knoxville, TN, look no further than the expert mechanics at Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa. Get in touch with us today to get the job done quickly, professionally, and affordably. Visit our website or call us today to learn more about our services and discounts.

When Do You Need Drive Belt Replacement Service?

Awareness of the signs indicating that your vehicle needs drive belt replacement is crucial. A few of the symptoms to watch out for include the following:

Slipping or Squealing Noises

If you've ever started your car and heard an annoying squeaking or squealing noise, you probably know what that sound means. Your drive belt is telling you something vital — it's time to replace it. All drive belts wear out over time, and this noise is literally the sound of them slipping on their pulleys.

Wear and Tear on the Drive Belt's Surface

Pay attention when you examine your drive belt as part of your routine car maintenance checks. If you find any visible wear and tear on the drive belt's surface, it's likely you will have to replace it. Only settle for a properly working drive belt. Any damage or grinding will only cause more harm down the line, resulting in decreased power outputs and reduced safety.

Cracks and/or Fraying in the Drive Belt Material

A sure sign that your drive belt may need replacing is any visible wear and tear in its material. The most obvious signs are cracks or fraying along the sides or edges. If left unchecked, this could eventually cause issues with starting up the car and problems when driving, such as a screeching sound while accelerating.

Schedule Drive Belt Replacement Service at Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa

With all the signs explained above, it's time to get your drive belt replaced as soon as possible. Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa near Knoxville, TN, is the place to go for experienced technicians trained to handle all types of drive belt maintenance and repair. Don't leave yourself stranded—contact us today to schedule a service.