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Battery Service Savings Near Knoxville, TN

Expert Battery Service Near Knoxville, TN

The average life of a car battery is between two to seven years. But how long your battery will last depends on how you drive, the kind of battery you have, and how diligent you are at maintaining your vehicle.

No matter how good you take care of your vehicle, your battery will get old and die. You need to find a reliable automotive service center when that time comes.

If you need battery service near Knoxville, TN, you can go to Rusty Wallace Kia. We offer affordable car care services. To save more money, you should check out our auto service coupons. Call or send us a message if you want to book an appointment.

When Should You Get Battery Service?

Don’t worry; car batteries don’t just die suddenly. If your battery is on its last breath, it will usually show the following signs:

It Takes a Long Time to Start Your Vehicle

If your battery is losing power, it will no longer be able to perform its job efficiently. The most important function of a car battery is to start the engine. If it takes longer than usual for your car to start, your battery is probably nearing the end of its life.

This is because an old battery needs more time to create a charge for the starter than a new one. Don’t wait for your battery to die completely. If you notice that your battery is losing power, you should swap it for a new one immediately.

The Car Lights Are Dimmer

Another function of the car battery is to power the electronic components of your vehicle. These include the lights, radio, and mobile phone charger. If you notice that your headlights are not as bright as they used to be or if the lights on your dashboard are dimmer, you may need a car battery service.

The Check Engine Light Is On

If your check engine light is on, it doesn’t automatically mean you need a new car battery. The light can come on for different reasons. But you shouldn’t dismiss the possibility that the light came on because your battery is dying.

If the check engine light and the low coolant light come on simultaneously, it could mean that you need to replace your battery already. This is because a low-powered battery can cause your warning lights to malfunction.

The Battery Case Is Deformed

The battery case can get deformed when exposed to extreme temperatures. If your battery looks swollen, it means your battery has gone bad. This is a clear sign that you should replace your battery.

Don’t ignore the signs above. If you notice any of them, immediately go to Rusty Wallace Kia’s automotive service center in Louisville, TN, for a car battery service.

Schedule Battery Service at Rusty Wallace Kia

You shouldn’t be driving with a dying or defective battery. You should replace your battery right away if it’s not functioning as it used to. If you need battery service near Knoxville, TN, look no further than Rusty Wallace Kia. Schedule a service today by calling or sending us a message.