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  • Rusty Wallace Kia South

Wheel Alignment Service Savings Near Knoxville, TN

Expert Wheel Alignment Service Near Knoxville, TN

When your vehicle needs wheel alignment service near Knoxville, Tennessee, you’ll find it for a low price here at Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa. Your vehicle’s suspension keeps your tires properly aligned, but when it wears out or takes a hard knock, that fine-tuning can lead to wheel misalignment, which can impact your ride quality and even shorten the lifespan of your tires. It takes professional care to keep your alignment in check, and you can count on the experts at our auto shop near Knoxville for efficient alignment service.

Signs Your Car Needs Alignment Service

Before signs of wear ever show on your tires, the problems start in the vehicle’s suspension system. This integral system disperses the weight of your vehicle and keeps the wheels turning with the proper traction and handling, and if something goes wrong, it can greatly impact your vehicle’s performance. Even though the suspension system was expertly engineered, those springs can wear out over time, and a hard bump from a pothole or other object can throw off the fine balance. As that problem develops, you might notice your steering wheel pulling to the side, or feel your car drifting to the side even though it should be going straight. You might even look at your tires to see that they’re wearing unevenly. If you detect any of these issues, we invite you to bring your vehicle to our service center near Knoxville.

Schedule Service with Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa

If your vehicle needs expert attention for alignment service or any other maintenance, our mechanics can get the job done here at our auto shop. We’ll handle your alignment service with skill and expertise, and we’ll return your vehicle to you with proper alignment and tire balance for a smooth ride mile after mile. Schedule service with Rusty Wallace Kia Alcoa to keep your vehicle in reliable condition. Our auto shop is just down the road from the heart of Knoxville, located at 4612 Alcoa Highway, Alcoa, Tennessee 37777. Don't forget to check out our Wheel Alignment Service FAQ!